VGS | Cozy Greek cafe with vegan & vegetarian sweets & eats!
You know how you can become such a good friend, you’re more like an honorary family member? That is the embodiment of Voula’s Greek Sweets in Rochester, NY. You’ll be greeted by our friendly staff (or Voula herself!) as you walk into our warm, colorful and eclectic dining area. You can sit for a full meal, or coffee and a cookie, all made vegetarian with a plethora of vegan options.
Whether you’re grabbing desserts or dips to go, or sitting down for lunch, brunch or our Friday take out dinners - you’ll always be treated like a new friend, who we’ll hope becomes more like family.
Speaking of friends and family, if you’re having a party and want our food to stuff your faces with - check out catering options and instructions on the catering page!
Every day that we get to pour love into our food and into our community is a gift, and we’re so grateful.
Founded in 2012, the work, support, and incredible original recipes of Voula’s family and friends were infused into VGS from day one. This has continued to surround our sweet little vegan and vegetarian Greek restaurant and bakery through the years, no matter the ups and downs.
So let’s join Voula in giving a few shout outs to the ones who
have made and continue to make this all possible!
Voula’s mama Katsetos
You are fierce in your love and loyalty to family; thank you for passing this gift to me. Sharing the family recipes from Yiayia with me means so much! Thank you for all you do to help make VGS what it is and will grow to be. I love you! ♥ Voula
Voula’s papa Katsetos
Your work ethic, drive to make things the best they can possibly be and your passion for family are set deeply into the cornerstones of VGS. I wouldn’t have it any other way! Thank you for being a rock throughout the growth and growing pains. I love you! ♥ Voula
Brother Tony Katsetos
Without you, this place wouldn’t have had doors to open. You’ve been my best friend for as long as I can remember and I’ll never stop thanking you...by bugging you, hugging you and calling you all the time. I love you! ♥ Voula
In loving memory of
Yiayia Voula Mitrakos
My namesake! I am forever grateful for your endless love and original recipes! S’agapo yiayia! ♥ Voula
Voula’s Husband Jon Garwood
You’re a freakin’ BABE. Ya didn’t have to help with VGS, but you chose to show up. I’m so grateful! You work so hard, you scream so many inappropriate things, it’s the best, and I don’t want to know what this place would be like without you. I love you! ♥ Voula
Nini nino ninoo sprinkles, I love you so much. Thank you for keeping me company all the time and being the best son ever. Love you forever you nerd. ♥ Voula
· p.s. follow Brick the cat @its_brickney_betch

Voula Katsetos-Garwood
Voula is first generation Greek and yes, owns a Greek restaurant - but it’s not the only thing by ANY means that encompasses this incredibly kind, loving and talented woman’s personality and life. Born and raised in Rochester, NY she has been a vegetarian since she was 12, she knits super cool scarves, she’s a rad photographer and she works her butt off! She’s a cat Mom to sweet Brick and she loves her friends and family powerfully and boldly. She has the ability to look the toughest crap in the face, and always find a way to get to the good stuff - sharing food and joy. If you exist, she loves you, that’s the deal!
A Memorial to Matt Stratton
Matt, you are at the heart of VGS, and you always will be. You believed in this vision, you worked endless hours supporting it and your sweet, loving and quietly hilarious self will always be here. Thank you Matt, for all your love, and the love you continue to send. It is felt and it always will be. I love you! ♥ Voula